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At Colin Baenziger & Associates, the sincerest form of praise comes to us in the form of testimonials from clients who have taken the time to express their appreciation for the services we have provided. The following represent just a small sampling of the many such letters we have received.

Personal Testimonials

CB&A's recruitment brochures are terrific, the best in the business. They just flow and convey the lay of the land so well for potential candidates- or for anyone else who just might just want to learn about a community. So good, even though I am retired, I am tempted...

Tom Barwin

former City Manager of Sarasota, FL, and Oak Park, IL.

I haven't used your firms services directly, but I wanted you to know I really appreciate your "Marketing Yourself" link. It was very helpful to me in my hunt for a position 7 years ago. Haven't seen a resource like that anywhere else. I have referred several people to it over the years who are looking for positions.

Sam Kooiker

City Manager
Sheldon, IA


Thank you for informing me of the upcoming opportunity.
I would also like to mention that I have been involved in many executive and managerial recruitments over the past several years and your company is the most thorough, detailed and articulate one I have dealt with, you guys do great work!

Joe McDivitt

Chief Operations Officer
South Coast Water District, Laguna Beach, CA

After being let go from a small rural community as a city administrator, I was thrust into the job market during a time when jobs were extremely scarce.
After applying for at least 25 positions without even a call-back, I was starting to get worried that I would be unemployed far longer than expected. A good friend of mine suggested that I call Mr. Colin Baenziger and seek his advice to give my resume a much needed makeover.
I cannot thank Colin enough for his advice and expertise and I would highly suggest him to anyone who needs to make their employment documents more competitive in this difficult market.

Scott Bowles

Assistant to the City Manager
Warwick, RI

Hi Mr. Baenziger
I'm writing to express my gratitude for your assistance and advice on my resume. It appears to have paid off. Today I accepted the position of Deputy City Manager with the City of [a large metropolitan city]. .
I will be starting there in July. I'm sure your input allowed me to showcase my experience in the best light possible. Feel free to stay in touch should you find yourself in the area anytime in the future. Again, thanks for the help.

Jim Nichols

Deputy City Manager
Large Metropolitan City

The news is that Larry Spring and the City Manager have offered the position to George Mensah, our internal candidate. The decision was between George and Mr. [Name Omitted]. In the package I put together for the Manager and the Mayor, I advised them that it was the consensus of the interview team that your firm had done an excellent job in identifying viable candidates. I have since recommended your firm to a couple of other HR leaders from the Dade County area.
Please extend our appreciation to Mr. {Name omitted] for his interest in the position and for his incredible patience in waiting out our decision. If there should be any other opportunity for him here in the future, I am sure you will be contacted.
On another note, I am happy to report that I will be resigning from my position with the City effective 4/23/08. I have contemplated entering semi-retirement for some time, and after this past year, I am more than ready for a nice break before jumping into anything else. I'm heading to Maine for several months and will return in the fall.
It has been a pleasure working with you, Colin, and I wish you continued success and happiness in your life.


Rosalie Mark

Then Human Resources Director
City of Miami, FL.

Mr. Baenziger,
You probably don't remember me. I applied for a the executive director position with the FKAA sometime ago. I didn't get an interview, but you were so kind to critique my resume' and give me some pointers and examples.
When I lost my job in December, I had to quickly begin looking for employment. My reworked resume' got lots of compliments and attention. I had opportunities all over the US. I thought many times about how fortunate I was that I had a modern up-to-date resume.
I had misplaced your contact information in the shuffle, but as I unloaded my materials recently I found my files. So, I wanted to just say thanks again.

Thomas W. Williams, PE

Senior Operations Engineer
Kentucky American Water Co.

Dear Mr. Baenziger:
For someone in transition seeking a new career opportunity, such as was my case in the past year, the quality and sincerity in the detail of information on positions, search status updates, and follow through response to position openings is so very important. In that regard, I did want to express my sincere appreciation to you and your firm for the outstanding experience I had in submitting my resume for positions being handled by the firm.
Although other candidates were selected for those positions, it was still very positive for me and I did want to take a moment to let you know.
Earlier this year, I was successful in taking on a distinctly challenging advancement in my public service career becoming the chief operating officer for one of the three historic "new town" planned communities that were founded out of this movement in the 1960's (the others are Columbia, MD. and Reston, VA).
I sincerely hope that you and the firm have continued success. Again, thank you for your courtesy, professionalism, and attention in the job searches.

John R. Zakian

Executive Vice President
Montgomery Village Foundation Inc.

Dear Colin:
On behalf of the City of West Palm Beach, I want to thank you and your associates for your efforts in recruiting an Assistant City Administrator for Public Utilities. In spite of our own extensive efforts over many months to recruit a pool of qualified candidates both nationally and locally, we were unsuccessful. We were very pleased at the quality of the candidates who responded to your national search and ultimately had the enviable task to choose a finalist from among five outstanding candidates.
The level of service provided by your firm extended to preparation of a detailed job description, advertising tailored to the specific requirements of the position, extensive candidate due diligence, travel and hotel arrangements, interview schedules, and extensive interaction with our Human Resources staff.
The services provided by your firm were outstanding and rendered within a timeframe of less than sixty days. Any state or local government seeking to recruit senior executive managers would be well served to benefit from your knowledge and experience.
Sincerely yours,

Edward Mitchell

City Administrator
City of West Palm Beach, FL.

Your services have been extraordinary - can't thank you enough!
Thanks again...
My Best,

Craig Barker

City of Destin, FL.

Dear Colin:
I want to write about your work.
I was one of the founders of the Marathon Economic Development Council. As Such, I have a more than average interest in the city. When we incorporated, we hired a professional management team. That may have been a good idea at the outset, but over time it became a disaster.
Then you came along and found us a city manager who is a pure gem! I know you went through an exhaustive process to find Scott. Several of the candidates would have served us well. But Scott is perfect for us. Thanks!
Later as a member of the Board of Directors of the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, I saw your work again. And again, any of the candidates would have done well by us. I have been part of several executive searches here in The Keys. Most of them have been as laborious as ineffective. With both the city and the FKAA, you did the searching and screening better than I could have hoped.
The FKAA was a mess. But you stuck it through with admirable patience and good humor (much more so than I)! As usual, it turned out well. Thanks to you.
If you ever need the testament of a fan, put me down

Lynn C. Mapes

Marathon, Florida Keys

Dear Colin:
It was an absolute pleasure working with you. You have made the head-hunter / consulting experience an absolute pleasure. I never thought that getting organized to find a new town manager as easy as this has been. G-d willing everything continues to go well.
I know that we do not see you anymore now that Mr. Tindle is on board. Please be well and stay in contact with us. If ever we need to do other work within your areas of expertise, I will absolutely keep you in the forefront of my mind as a top notch choice in these matters. In addition to your professionalism, your demeanor and candor were most appreciated.
Very truly yours,

Jill R. Serfaty

Town of Bay Harbor Islands, FL.

Dear Colin:
Mr. Baenziger I followed your instructions on how to craft a cover letter and a resume this past weekend and immediately got a call from a recruiter this is working for (---) to let me know that I am in the running for Director!!


Blair Barnhardt


Dear Colin:
Thanks for the online help in recreating my resume and cover letter! I have three interviews lined up over the next two weeks as a result!

Name withheld pending new job


Resolutions Thanking Colin Baenziger & Associates